Private Solver Quests
Last updated
Last updated
To take part in a Private Quest you first need to have been invited explicitly. Click the invite link you received and then follow these instructions:
From your invite link you will be taken to a specific Quest Issue page, listing details about the Issue and associated Quest. Read about the Quest and decide whether you want to attempt to solve it.
1️⃣ Organisation and Repository info: You will find information about the repository and organisation that has created this quest in these areas.
2️⃣ Issue details: You can view all the information available on the issue the Quest has been created on, including a link for it on GitHub.
3️⃣ Event stream: All events related to this Quest will be highlighted here, including users embarking or looting the quest, PR's being merged, rejected or changes requested, and finally awards being handed out.
4️⃣ Quest information: The core information about the quest are visible here, including the reward and the buttons which you can interract with, like Embark
and Submit PR
On Private Quests you may see a deadline timer indicating the remaining time you have to Embark on the Quest. If you fail to embark by the deadline, the Issue will automatically be assigned to another Solver.
When you are ready to get started click the Embark
button and follow on-screen instructions. From here you will be linked through to GitHub to get started on the Issue.
Work on your Pull-Request as normal. When you are ready to submit it, signal to maintainers that you are ready to claim your reward for looting the Quest by following the below instructions:
After you raise your PR on GitHub, copy the URL to the PR page, then head back over to Quira and click through from your Solver dashboard to the relevant Quest you want to loot for a reward.
Click the Loot this Quest with a PR
button and follow on-screen instructions (pasting in your URL from GitHub). This will automatically let maintainers know you are seeking a reward.
The maintainers will issue a reward if:
Your PR is successfully merged,
The PR actually solves the Issue.
When a reward has been awarded you will see a banner in your solver dashboard at Quests -> Solvers that includes the total value of any unclaimed rewards on your account.
For instructions on how to claim your rewards, go to the next page!